
Monday, April 19, 2004

Group Presentations

Today, I viewed the first of two group presentations in our class. I must say I was for the most part impressed with both groups, but I do have some comments to make about each.

Biotechnology Group:

Sports and Technology Group:

On another note about the Sports and Technology Group, the person who talked about Fantasy Sports stated that this caused a depersonalization of those involved, meaning that those participating did not need to know anything about a player. I do not believe this is true. I do not participate in fantasy sports myself, yet my cousin does, and I know that participants need to know a lot about a player's statistics, and that it is also not just pure numbers. A player's streaks and long-term reliability is often vital to the game. Plus, the presenter stated that most participants are middle-aged men, proving further that they are not going to pick the big names in the game solely because they have heard of them. This age group is more interested in the players themselves, and pay more attention to the games as a whole, not just the numbers.

Overall, I thought both groups were very effective in conveying their points to the audience. For the most part, both groups were very organized as well, and had presentations that were easy to follow. I hope that my group will follow in their footsteps.

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