Saturday, March 27, 2004
Research Paper: Part 2!
Another source that I have decided to use for the research paper is that of data from actual forensics labs across the United States. I have found information from the New York State Lab and the Georgia Lab. I personally have been to one of the smaller forensics labs in Georgia, and will be sure to include information I learned in my paper. The state website is also very informative. What I am looking for from these labs is their budget information, equipment, and other various aspects that assist with my argument. I think this could possibly one of the greatest sources of information, given that I am comparing real labs with those portrayed on TV. Maybe I should entitle my paper: I'm Not a Forensics Lab, I Just Play One on TV." I'm not too sure what sort of reaction would be received from that though.
Anyway, I am quite confident that this source is a resourceful one, not to mention I would consider it very "scholarly" and reliable. Nothing could represent actual forensics labs better than... actual forensics labs. The difficult part with these sources, particularly their websites, is that it is hard to sort through the unimportant information. I feel that these will be beneficial sources though.
Another source that I have decided to use for the research paper is that of data from actual forensics labs across the United States. I have found information from the New York State Lab and the Georgia Lab. I personally have been to one of the smaller forensics labs in Georgia, and will be sure to include information I learned in my paper. The state website is also very informative. What I am looking for from these labs is their budget information, equipment, and other various aspects that assist with my argument. I think this could possibly one of the greatest sources of information, given that I am comparing real labs with those portrayed on TV. Maybe I should entitle my paper: I'm Not a Forensics Lab, I Just Play One on TV." I'm not too sure what sort of reaction would be received from that though.
Anyway, I am quite confident that this source is a resourceful one, not to mention I would consider it very "scholarly" and reliable. Nothing could represent actual forensics labs better than... actual forensics labs. The difficult part with these sources, particularly their websites, is that it is hard to sort through the unimportant information. I feel that these will be beneficial sources though.